インテリジェントモビリティ2020: Intelligent Mobility Summit 2020
~将来のモビリティ 加速するデジタル化: The Digital Acceleration ~

11月24日&25日バーチャル会場:November 24th & 25th 2020 Virtual Summit
新型コロナによる破壊的影響が広がり続けるなか、フロスト・アンド・サリバンのフラッグシップイベントであるIntelligent Mobility Summit 2020は、今年はオンラインへ移行します。「インテリジェントモビリティ:加速するデジタル化」をテーマとしたこの2日間の戦略的サミットは、体系的なウェビナー、洞察に満ちたパネルディスカッションや他のイベントを特徴としています。本イベントでは、業界のソートリーダー、政策決定者、投資家、イノベーションの創造者が一つのデジタルプラットフォームに集います。参加者の皆様は、モビリティ業界が新たな、ポストコロナ時代に直面する複雑な課題や機会に関する魅力的かつ有益なディスカッションにご自宅やオフィスから快適にアクセスできます。

The COVID-19 crisis might have delayed the realization of the mobility industry’s future-focused agendas but it has certainly not derailed it. It has been a blessing in disguise for all digital initiatives-hence the theme The Digital Acceleration
Connectivity will ripple across freight and logistics, supporting cost reductions, productivity improvements, and enhanced asset utilization. New models based on connected and autonomous technologies will upturn traditional supply chain and logistics models.
Digital connected services will offer customers hundreds of new functionalities related to car performance, multimedia, safety, and convenience. “In-vehicle marketplaces” will become exciting new channels of online retail. Cars will be transformed into, literally, vehicles of health, wellness, and well-being that improve the body, mind, and soul of vehicle occupants.
As the automotive industry hurtles toward electrification and autonomy, identifying appropriate vehicle platform strategies—including the much touted ‘skateboard’ approach—will become critical to future proofing automotive portfolios. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will square off against fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) to determine a winner in the electrification stakes.
Importantly, the pandemic will provide impetus to Vision Zero initiatives. Car manufacturers will increasingly embrace ‘Design to Dismantle’ principles. Such circular economy practices will anchor the transition towards ‘Innovating to Zero’.
2020 has been a breakout year for digital retail. Sales of new/used cars and vehicle related services will continue to move online. As downstream functions in the car also experience rapid digital transformation, OEMs will fast-track the rollout of dedicated digital retailing strategies.
New work dynamics resulting from the pandemic will have profound implications for automotive and after-sales markets. Work from home practices will prompt car companies to re-examine strategies based on the principal role and function of the car in work commutes.
Meanwhile, shared mobility will integrate with other forms of public/private transit, infrastructure, and parking to knit together a unified and cohesive Mobility as a Service (MaaS) ecosystem. Similarly new thinking will invigorate the air mobility domain as companies move ahead with their plans for passenger drones, flying cars, hyperloops, air taxis, and commercial spacecraft.
Technology shifts, customer expectations, and industry visionaries will catalyze innovation and growth in a COVID-defined 2020 and the ‘new normal’ beyond. As the entire mobility / automotive ecosystem evolves, new paradigms will emerge. Success will be predicated on developing collaborative partnerships between established players and start-ups across the value chain, engaging more meaningfully with customers, and building new business models that can be monetized.
With the COVID-19 crisis continuing to cause widespread disruption, Frost & Sullivan’s flagship Intelligent Mobility Summit 2020 will be moving online this year. The two-day strategic summit—"Intelligent Mobility: The Digital Acceleration"—will feature curated webinars, insightful panel discussions, and other online events. It will bring together industry thought leaders, policymakers, investors and innovators on a single digital platform. Participants will have the opportunity to virtually access compelling discussions on the future of mobility in a new, post-COVID era from the comfort of their homes/offices.
We look forward to having you at our digital Intelligent Mobility 2020 Summit.
Click below for any further information

HERE, a location data and technology platform, moves people, businesses, and cities forward by harnessing the power of location. By leveraging our open platform, we empower our customers to achieve better outcomes – from helping a city manage its infrastructure or a business optimize its assets to guiding drivers to their destination safely.
メディア協賛:Media Sponsors

アジアリサーチニュースは、アジア太平洋地域に特化した、国際的なリサーチコミュニケーション企業です。2004年に創立され、研究者、研究機関と協力し、研究者の発見を世界に発信しています。私達はアジアで最初のリサーチニュースのプラットフォームを立ち上げ、その発見やニュースを読者やジャーナリストへ直接共有する枠組みを研究機関に提供しています。経験豊かは私達のチームは、国際的なプレゼンスを拡大するために、研究機関に対して最適なコミュニケーションサービスおよびトレーニングを提供します。Asia Research Newsは誇りを持ち、アジアのリサーチコミュニティを支援し、この地域のイノーベーションに対する認知向上に努めています。
Asia Research News
Asia Research News is an international research communications company specializing in the Asia-Pacific region. Founded in 2004, we work with researchers and institutions to communicate their discoveries to the wider world. We launched Asia’s first research news platform, creating a framework for institutions to share their news directly with readers and journalists. Our experienced team offers a complete suite of communication services and training for research institutions looking to expand their international presence. Asia Research News is proud to support Asia’s research community and increase awareness of the region’s innovation.

EVlist は、ハイブリッドおよびe-モビリティに関するあらゆるトピックをイタリア語で配信するポータルサイトです。電気自動車の潜在ユーザーや既存ユーザー、この分野で働く人や専門家、救急医療従事者やボランティア、EV業界の企業、行政機関スタッフや学生など、様々なカテゴリーのユーザーにとって、興味深い情報を掲載しています。ボート、電動/ハイブリッドの列車、自動車、オートバイ、スクーター、バス、トラック、飛行機、ヘリコプター、自転車、カート、トラクターなど、EVlist.itは様々なe-モビリティについて取り上げています。また、自動運転技術や充電システム、減税、テクノロジーなどの関連テーマについても発信しています。
The specialized portal EVlist.it in the Italian language about all matters related to hybrid and electric mobility. Different categories of users can found interesting information on EVlist.it, like potential users of electronic vehicles, current users of electric vehicles, workers and professionals in this field, first-aid professionals and volunteers, companies in the EV industry, public administrators, students.
EVlist.it talks about any electric vehicle: boats, electric and hybrid trains, cars, motorcycles and scooters, buses and trucks, aircraft and helicopters, bikes, karts, tractors, electric vehicles in general. EVlist.it collects also arguments like autonomous driving, recharging systems, tax breaks, available technologies, and much more.

The Global Fleet networkは、クローバリゼーションを通してフリートマネジメントを最適化する多国籍企業のための、最初のネットワーキングおよびクロスメディアプラットフォームです。私達は、意思決定者や意思決定に影響を与える読者に、世界、そしてBRICsや他の新興経済地域を含む、地域のフリートマネジメントに関する深い知見と最新情報を提供します。The Global Fleet networkは、多国籍企業のグローバルフリートチームにかかわる経営陣や人事専門スタッフを対象としています。私達は、ウェブサイトのGlobalFleet.com、eニュースレター、フリートマネジメントガイド、生およびバーチャル配信のウェビナーやフォーラムセッションを通してコンテンツや付加価値を配信し、学びの場と相互コミュニケーションの機会を促進し、世界のフリート&モビリティのコミュニティに貢献します。
The Global Fleet
The Global Fleet network is the first networking and cross-media platform for multinationals willing to optimize their fleet management through globalization. It provides our readership – Global Fleet Decision Makers and Influencers – with in-depth knowledge and up-to-date information on global and regional fleet management, as well as on BRICs and other economies on the rise.
The Global Fleet network focuses on Executive-level Procurement, Sourcing, and HR professionals within the global fleet team of multinational corporations. With content and added value delivered via GlobalFleet.com, e-Newsletters, Fleet Management Guides, and Live/Virtual Webinar & Forum sessions, we are organized throughout the year to increase learning and interaction amongst the Global Fleet & Mobility Community.

IT Media
IT Media
Our company, IT Media, is an online media company, originally started from the publishing business of SoftBank Group. IT Media started in 1999 with the mission of transforming the conventional publishing business into online, while a paradigm shift, from paper to web, was happening. SoftBank Group has been focusing on the technological paradigm shift, which still continues from PC to Mobile, and to IoT. By adapting to such a shift, IT Media will realize the information revolution through continuous innovation of media and contribute to society.

The Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun
The Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun(Daily Automotive News) is the World’s Biggest Automobile Specialized Daily Paper. The automobile is a leading figure for the industry, the economy, and social life. It functions as a barometer for the culture.
The Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun has been spending over 90 years looking at the automobile and its history, since its foundation in 1929. The Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun playing an important role as a milestone for this industry amidst ongoing big changes.

日経BPおよび日経クロステックについて 日経BPは、経営(ビジネス)、技術(テクノロジー)、生活(ライフスタイル)の広い分野で先端・専門メディアを発行。最新のトピックスを深く掘り下げた信頼性の高いコンテンツを日々発信しています。このうち技術情報分野では、「日経エレクトロニクス」「日経アーキテクチュア」「日経コンピュータ」「日経ものづくり」などを発行。これらの技術系専門誌を統合する形で、オンラインメディアプラットフォーム「日経xTECH(日経クロステック)」を展開し、次代のビジネスをリードするビジネスパーソンに不可欠な情報を提供しています。
Nikkei Tech
Nikkei Business Publications is a cross-media company that provides business people with high value-added information on management, technology, and life. Nikkei Business Publications has grown into one of the largest providers of cutting-edge information, content, and services in the specialized fields. In addition to the primary business in print and online, we offer an array of businesses and services, such as exhibitions, seminars, customized publishing, research, and consulting, to meet a variety of client needs.

沿革:2009年3月 日本支社「フロスト&サリバン インターナショナル」設立
2014年1月 日本法人「フロスト&サリバン ジャパン株式会社」設立
所在地:〒107-6123 東京都港区赤坂5丁目2番20号 赤坂パークビル23階
URL: https://frost.co.jp/
Email: press@sivans.jp