Only 10 Minutes a day! “Mindfulness Meditation” Improves Your Concentration.

Meditate for a short time and improve your quality of life!

Sugar Candy

“Mindfulness” and “Meditation” have been the topic among business persons.

Do those words sound sketchy…?
No, not at all!

“Mindfulness Meditation”, created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, an American professor emeritus of medicine , is not a sketchy magic charm or self-help tool, but an established mental training proven by science.

Effects of Meditation

What exactly would you get out of meditation?

◆Improve your productivity and lower your stress level.

Mindfulness mediation is reported to have improved children’s achievement at schools.
A study was done over 99 students around the age of 9 at a public school in British Colombia in Canada.
A group of students were required to meditate for 3 minutes 3 times a day and another group of students were not. After 4 months, comparison was made over their math grade and the the group that was in the habit of meditating scored 15% higher.
Also it showed the first group improved their cognitive ability and emotional control, and excelled at positivity, consideration and stress level.
Mediation is also said to alleviate depression, sleeping problem, and anxiety.

Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A., et al. "Enhancing cognitive and social–emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial." Developmental psychology 51.1 (2015): 52.

How to Mediate

Let’s look at how exactly you can mediate.
It’s very simple.

◆You Let the Thoughts “Go”

First you relax and sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed and draw your attention to your breathing. After a while, thoughts arise in you. Then you just recognize the thoughts and let them go, and again focus on the breathing.
Even when more rows of thoughts arise, just let them go without paying attention and bring your attention back on the breathing.
As you repeat this, thoughts will cease to appear.
And you’ve successfully done your meditation.

Music Meditation

Though we introduced meditation by focusing on the breathing, you can also meditate by listening to the music or using your fingertips.
Mindfulness meditation allows you focus on anything as long as you distract your focus on to something other than your own thoughts.
You can reach your meditational state by listening to music that comes from your headphone.

Recommended Meditation Music

◆10 Min Instant Meditation

Let us introduce you to 10 minutes mediation support for beginners or busy individuals.
432Hzfrequency will help you move into meditational state, working on your ear with the comforting sound.
Just 5-10 minutes mediation is effective. So why not start with short time and turn it into an everyday habit?

Practice Makes Perfect!

Meditation brings you great benefit to your physical and mental state.
Even for a few minute, by doing it every day, you will consciously form a good habit and will be able to fo sooner into the focus mode.
With the fast-paced way of life, meditation will improve your efficiency at work and brings more spare time for your personal life.