5か国語を話し台湾でカリスマ的な人気を誇るマルチタレント、ヴァネッサ・パン(Vanessa Pan)さんが『セレブレイトメッセージ』参加決定!
セレブレイトメッセージ株式会社(所在地:東京都港区赤坂、代表取締役:神名秀紀、以下 当社)が2019年9月3日から全世界向けスタートを予定する、有名人からのパーソナル動画メッセージ提供サービス『セレブレイトメッセージ(Celebrate Message)』に、台湾でカリスマ的な人気を誇るコスプレイヤーで5か国語を話すマルチタレント、ヴァネッサ・パン(Vanessa Pan)さんが参加することが決定しましたので、下記のとおりお知らせします。
<参加決定キャスト> ヴァネッサ・パン(Vanessa Pan)さん

『セレブレイトメッセージ(Celebrate Message)』(※Celebrate=お祝い)とは、"誰でも・自由に・簡単に"、世界のセレブ、タレント、アーティスト、アスリート、俳優、モデル、文化人、インフルエンサーなど、多くのファンを有するキャスト*(動画メッセージ提供者)へ、パーソナルなメッセージをオファー出来るサービスです。
詳しくは http://cast.celebratemessage.com/ をご確認下さい。
A Dreaming Personal Message from Celebrity Service “Celebrate Message” announces the CAST participation of Vanessa Pan, a multi-talent who speaks 5 languages AND called a “Charismatic Cosplayer” in Taiwan.
Celebrate Message Inc., (CEO: Hidenori Kamina, Address: Akasaka, Minato ward, Tokyo) announces a CAST participation of Vanessa Pan, a multi-talent who speaks 5 languages and called a “Charismatic Cosplayer” in Taiwan, to “Celebrate Message”.
<Celebrate Message’s New CAST> Vanessa Pan

Vanessa is a cosplayer who is very famous known and charismatic in Taiwan. In Japan, she is mainly active as bikini model. Besides not only a model, actress and cosplayer, but also has a wide range of activities based in Taiwan, Japan and the United States such as brand production business.
YOUNG JUMP's 17th PURURUN Queen. Her DVD "Panchan" is now on sale.
<What is “Celebrate Message”?>
Celebrate Message is a service that gives its users a chance to offer their personal message to celebrities, artists, athletes, actors, models, intellectuals, influencers and CASTs (*video message providers) who are known worldwide.
Through our service “Celebrate Message”, we aim to create an exciting value of good impression and deliver happiness and smile to every User by receiving CASTs video message.
In addition, for the security of celebrities and agents, we announce the elimination of anti-social forces. We also developed the mechanism to prevent the unauthorized use of video and copyright protection.
The service is going to be launch on September 3rd, 2019. We also hold the pre-registration campaign. We are looking forward to having you join us. Please check the details on the official web page: http://pre.celebratemessage.com
Our Website: http://about.celebratemessage.com/en
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/celebratemsg
New CAST participants to Celebrate Message will be announced continuously.
For those of you (Talent, Celebrities, Artist, Athlete, Actor/Actress, Model, Intellectual, and/or Influencer) agree to this project and would like to participate, please access to our official website as a CAST candidate.
Thank you.