Calmi Cuori Appassionatiから動物保護団体DSWFとのコラボレーション限定モデルが登場
ジュエリーブランドCalmi Cuori Appassionati(カルミ・クオーリ・アパッショナティ、以下、Calmi)は、イギリスの動物保護団体David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation(以下、DSWF)への寄付キャンペーンとして限定デザインのAlbina Ringを発売。

アメリカ、ヨーロッパを始め、多くのグローバルセレブの愛用するCalmi Cuori Appassionatiのジュエリー。そこには単にジュエリーとしてのデザインや品質への評価だけでなく、ブランドのコンセプトへの共感が存在する。
他のブランドには真似のできない技術を用い、動物たちの持つ優雅で繊細な模様を真似ることで生まれるCalmiの唯一無二のジュエリー 。

ベースとなるAlbina RingにはCalmiのアイコニックなレオパード柄が刻まれ、中央には「調和」の石言葉を持つアメジストが10石(0.1カラット)のダイヤモンドに囲まれる。指輪の内側にはDSWFのロゴから象、サイ、虎の3匹の動物のシルエットとシリアルナンバーが刻まれる。
Calmi Cuori Appassionatiのオンラインストアで購入可能。

Calmi Cuori Appassionati(カルミ・クオーリ・アパッショナティ)
(Read this article in English)
Jewelry that show respect for animals

Celebrities in the US, Europe and all around the world love to wear Calmi Cuori Appassionati's jewelry. The reason they wear Calmi is not only because they evaluate Calmi's jewelry's design and quality, but also because they evaluate Calmi's brand concept.
Its concept is "Respect for Nature."
Calmi's jewelry is one and only. The pattern which Calmi's jewelry wears is just like real animal's one. Very few highly skillful craftsmen can express the dynamics and elegance of animals on metal. (The technology is protected by international patent.)
The founder of Calmi Cuori Appassionati says, "We borrow the patterns from animals. We'd like to show gratitude and respect for animals and nature." We can see their respect from how throughly they express patterns on their jewlry.
Collaboration project with DSWF

This time, they launched a donation campaing for David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation in London, which devotes to protect wildlife, and releases special design rings.
Albina Ring DSWF limited editon model has Calmi's iconic pattern of leopard, at the centerof which a beautiful amethyst surrounded by ten smaller diamonds of 0.1 ct. Inside the ring, the 3 animals from DSWF's logo (elephant, rhino and tiger) and sirial number are engraved.
Campaign begins in August 2019
The limited edition Albina rings are released in August 2019. Gold (18K) version and Silver (SV925) version, 50 limited rings each, are available at Calmi's officila online store.
The prices are 4,000 USD for gold one, and 850 USD for silver one. All the profit is going to donation for DSWF and use to protect wildlife and nature.
![Albina Ring K18YG [DSWF limited edition]](/attachments/HHrJcZj0O1T7HzrrHCWR.jpg?w=700&h=700)
![Albina Ring SV925 [DSWF limited edition]](/attachments/k5m5rcA3K2IWVUSIUHnu.jpg?w=700&h=700)