TESS38, a newly developed 38,300 mt type log and bulk carrier of TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING, the first order received from ship owner in Japan
Hiroshima, JAPAN, 30 of April - TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING Co., Ltd. (headquartered at 1083, Tsuneishi, Numakuma-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan. President: Kenji Kawano) received its first order for the newly developed 38,300 mt type log and bulk carrier, TESS38*, from a ship owner in Japan. The order was received for multiple ships of this model, and a contract signing ceremony was held on April 14 at TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), Inc. in the Philippines, which was attended by those associated with this order. TESS38 started being developed in November 2014, and sales activities to acquire orders for this ship starting at the end of the same year. TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING decided to develop this ship from having perceived a need for a new handy-size log and bulk carrier, arising from the increased demand in resource transportation due to the economic development in Asia, and from the stable demand in small-sized log transportation despite the global economic stagnation.
The newly developed TESS38 is based on the existing TESS35, but with its length extended by 3 meters to 180 meters to increase deadweight by 3,000 tons and thereby enhancing transport efficiency. Based on a proprietary research into how existing ships plowing major shipping routes in the Pacific (including Asia) and Atlantic oceans are being used, TESS38 comes standard-equipped with a cargo securing device that can secure log onto the decks, which is a device often used when transporting log. Furthermore, like the TESS35, TESS38 also has four deck cranes, and is likewise built to realize improved cargo handling efficiency and ease of maintenance by having a hatch cover with a larger opening and a semi-box shaped hold area that is suited for transporting steel products. The ship is also equipped with environmentally-friendly technologies that TSUNEISHI has developed through its efforts in producing the TESS Series and KAMSARMAX bulkers—such as energy saving device to improve propulsion efficiency, as well as an improved ship hull design that reduces wave and wind resistance. These improvements have made TESS38 an eco-ship with an improved fuel efficiency of 15.4% compared to the company’s handy-size bulkers built in the 1990s.
The first ship by this first order for TESS38 is scheduled to be completed in the end of 2017 at TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), Inc. TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING will pursue active sales efforts to acquire orders for TESS38 from customers both in and outside of Japan.
- Tsuneishi Economical Standard Ship. The first ship in this series, a TESS40 (40,000-ton type bulk carrier), was completed in 1984. Since then, the TESS line-up has been expanded to TESS45, TESS52, TESS58, and other designs, and in January 2012 the 300th ship in the HANDYMAX Series was completed. The TESS64 AEROLINE was brought to market in May, 2014.
■Main details
Type:D/W38,300 mt type log and bulk carrier
Length:180 m
Breadth: 30 m
Depth:15 m
load draft:10.45 m
Deadweight:38,300 metric tons
Main engine:MAN B&W 6S50ME-B8.3
Cargo tank capacity:47,800㎥
・Equipped with “MT-FAST” multiple-wing structure that attaches to the front part of the propeller. This improves propulsion efficiency by smoothing out water flow. Co-developed with MTI, a Nippon Yusen Group company.
・Applied with “SEAWORTHY” system for reducing wave resistance in the fore bow, which allows the sea margin (for increased wave resistance) to be reduced by as much as 5%. This was jointly developed with Hiroshima University.
・Equipped with accommodation shaped to reduce wind resistance. This was also jointly developed with Hiroshima University.
・Strongly reinforced bottom enables loading of heavy objects such as steel products.
・Standard-equipped with ballast water management system.
The TSUNEISHI GROUP was established in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan around 112 years ago, with shipbuilding and shipping transport as its core business operations. As a group company and a top-reputed shipbuilder in Japan, TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING Co., Ltd. constructs a total of about 60 vessels per year from all 3 of its shipyards --- the Tsuneishi Factory at Head Office in Japan, and two other foreign production yards, each located in the Philippines and in China. Its products are mostly bulk carriers ranging from the 30,000-ton to 180,000-ton class vessels.
President:Kenji Kawano
Field of Business:Shipbuilding, Ship repair
Established :July 1917
Capital:100 million yen
Employees:721 (as of December 2014)
Business Locations:Tsuneishi Factory (Numakuma-cho, Fukuyama-city, Hiroshima,Japan)
TSUNEISHI IRON WORKS Co., Ltd. (Fukuyama-city, Hiroshima)
TSUNEISHI TRADINGS Co., Ltd. (Fukuyama-city, Hiroshima)
TSUNEISHI ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. (Fukuyama-city, Hiroshima)
- For inquiries regarding this matter, kindly contact: -
CSV Division, Marketing Communication Dept.
Head Office (Fukuyama) TEL: +81-84-987-4915
Tokyo Office TEL: +81-3-3264-7733