2021 夏学期、Elite Prep コーススタート!

Since 1987, Elite Educational Institute has been preparing tens of thousands of students per year for their target colleges and universities.
Our registration for Elite Educational Institute, Elite Prep, 2021 Summer Camp-- the Best Way to spend your summer-- has now started! Whether to strengthen your resume and perfect your college applications, or to catch up to U.S. grade level in the core subjects, it is time for you to prepare ahead for your dream school.
For Youth Groups, from Grade 3 to 8, Elite Prep is offering several programs. Firstly, we have Elite Youth program which is to prepare students to get ahead in their analytical reading and writing skills through reading different contents adopted from Harkness System from Andover. Second, we have American English program which is to prepare students to get ahead in or to catch up to American Students' grade level.
For high school student groups, from Grade 9 to 12, Elite Prep’s main programs are to help students to be able not only prepare for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) in SAT Bootcamp, but there is also a Junior SAT class that focuses on Reading and Composition. There are also classes for students to raise their GPAs in GPA Boostcamp. And finally, to help students prepare for college applications, we also offer a Summer College Application Workshop.
For both Youth and high school student groups, from Grade 3 to 12, Academic Management Program is offered for students to keep and maintain their GPA in core subjects: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The purpose of this program is to help students on their early academic planning, and to let them get ahead in their goals all year round, being flexible with their schedules.
If you would like to find further details and be enrolled into these programs, please come take the free level test with consultation and reserve your seat today! Visit https://eliteprep.tokyo/

米国の大学入試、SAT集中対策、または入試Essay の準備に助けを必要とする、主要科目の成績向上を望む学生の方々はどうぞお問い合わせをお急ぎください。
学年5年生から8年生のためには、アメリカのTOPボーディングスクールPhillips Andoverで行われている、ディスカッション能力をメインにしたハークネスシステムによる、ELITE Youthプログラムが提供されます。深層分析能力を要するComprehension読解とWriting作文、アメリカ最高峰の学術的カルチャーに関する広範囲にわたる知識が得られる英語学習プログラムであります。また、米国同学年の小学生から中学生までは(3年生ー9年生)本土の彼らと同等の基本英語力へキャッチアップが目標のAmerican Englishプログラムもあります。
9年生から12年生の為にエリート東京学院が準備した主要プログラムは、SAT(USA大学進学適性試験)対策クラスのBootCampだけではなく、Reading とコンポジションに集中するジュニアーSATコースと共に、短期間科目別成績向上を目標とするGPAブーストコースがあります。また、US大学出願をサポートする為にはCollege Application Workshipコースがあります。

Elite Educational Institute of Japan 株式会社
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