2021 秋学期、Elite Open School 新高校課程 Minerva Baccalaureate コーススタート!

未来の教育を変化させ、高校教育に改革をもたらすためにElite Education Group とMinerva Projectが締結ー

Elite Educational Institute of Japan 株式会社


ミネルババカロレアは、高校教育課程を早期的に終えようとする生徒たちのための変革的な4年間の高校教育プログラムや、共同的なオンライン教育の環境から得られる利点などを提供しています。「ミネルババカロレアプログラムによって、生徒たちは第9学年になれば、大学進学という目的にとどまらない、それをはるかに超えるものへの成功へと彼らを導く知識や技能を身に付けることができるのです。」とミネルバの設立者、会長そしてCEOを務めるBen Nelson氏は話します。「私たちは、学術的に推進されている高校生のための質の高い教育と大学の準備を進める上での30年の経験を高く評価して、エリート教育グループをパートナーとして選んだのです。私たちは彼らと一緒に新たな境地を切り開くことを楽しみにしています。」


「過去33年間で、学生が彼らの学問的な可能性を解き放つのを助ける革新的な方法を提供することはエリート教育グループが持つ使命の核となる部分でした。」とエリート教育グループの設立者、会長兼CEOのJonghwan Parkは言っています。「私たちはミネルバと提携して、従来の教育モデル以上に学生を総合的に関与させ、実生活に応用の効く高度なレベルの知識を提供できることを嬉しく思います。エリートオープンスクールでのミネルババカロレアはまだほんの序章に過ぎません。歴史上、学生や家族がこのような教育的価値提案されたことはかつてありませんでしたから。ミネルバとエリートは共に、世界中の家庭やコミュニティの生活と教育をさらに良くするために、一から魅力的かつ新しい試みをたくさんしていきます!」

Elite Education Group について
エリート教育グループは、その系列の教育学校や教育機関とともに、SATやACTから、大学コンサルティング、英語教育などにわたる小中高の教育課程を提供することにおいて先導しています。また、2016年時点では、エリートオープンスクールを通して、認可正規私立中等学校、高等学校のコース、そして大学進学準備課程までをも網羅しています。Jonghwan Park氏が1987年に設立して以来、エリート教育グループは各個人の、そしてすべての学生のための教育の機会に変化を起こすという目標をあげてきました。世界経済フォーラムの一員として、エリート教育グループは革新的なベンチャー企業やパートナーとともに、未来のグローバルリーダーとなる次の世代の若者を養成し続けていきます。

Minerva Projectについて
ミネルバプロジェクトは、KGIミネルバ大学やその他の教育機関および企業パートナーに対して一流の高等教育機関を提供している教育革新者とも言えるでしょう。2012年にBen Nelsonによって設立されたミネルバプロジェクトは、批判的な知恵を育てることを目指している。ミネルバはリベラルアーツや科学教育に基づき、21世紀の複雑な社会を生きるグローバルリーダー、つまりは革新者を育てることに取り組んでいます。ミネルバの新たな大学プログラムについては、「Building the International University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education(MIT press)」という本を通してより詳しく知ることができます。

Elite and Minerva partner to transform education and revolutionize high school for the future.

Elite Education Group, the global leader in K-12 education and college preparatory services, and the Minerva Project, the most disruptive pioneer in post-secondary education, will embark upon a broad, multi-year, strategic partnership to reimagine traditional scholastic solutions, inspire the next generation of students, and revolutionize the future of education. The alliance begins with the launch of the Minerva Baccalaureate high school program at Elite Open School in Fall 2021.

The Minerva Baccalaureate provides a transformative four-year curriculum for students seeking to accelerate their high school education and benefit from a collaborative online learning environment. “The Minerva Baccalaureate program enables students, starting from the 9th grade, to become equipped with the knowledge and skills that set them up for success — not just for college, but far beyond”, said Ben Nelson, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Minerva. "We have chosen Elite Education Group as a partner given their 30+ year experience in advancing quality education and college preparedness for academically driven high school students. We look forward to forging new ground together.”

Building upon the best in contemporary high school curricula, the Minerva Baccalaureate is a transformative four-year program that teaches students essential skills across their core subjects. The program blends structured, personalized learning and engaging teacher-led classes with peers, offering the advantages of both individualized and fully active learning methodologies. Students interconnect their learning and develop skills in complex critical thinking, advanced problem solving, and strategic decision-making — uniquely preparing graduates not only for college acceptance potential par excellence but success at top institutions. Graduates receive a high school diploma from Elite Open School, a Minerva Baccalaureate diploma, and 32 units of college credit.

“For the last 33 years, offering innovative ways to help students unlock their academic potential has been at the core of Elite’s mission,” said Jonghwan Patrick Park, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Elite Education Group. “We are thrilled to be partnering with Minerva to push beyond traditional educational models and engage students holistically, offering advanced levels of knowledge with real-life application — and the Minerva Baccalaureate at Elite Open School is just the beginning. Never before in history have students and families had this kind of educational value proposition. Together, Minerva and Elite have many exciting new endeavors on the horizon to better the lives and education of our families and communities around the world.”
For more information on The Minerva Baccalaureate at Elite Open School, please contact your nearest Elite Open School Learning Resource Center. https://eliteprep.tokyo/

About Elite Education Group
Elite Education Group, with its family of education schools and organizations, has been leading the way in providing K-12 education services, ranging from SAT and ACT prep to College Counseling to English learning to coding and, as of 2016, accredited middle school and high school courses and college preparatory pathways through Elite Open School. Founded by JP Park in 1987, Elite has been fixated on the goal of transforming education opportunities for each and every student. As a part of the World Economic Forum, Elite Education Group continues with new ventures with new partners to raise up the next generation of future global leaders. To learn more about Elite’s schools and organizations, visit www.eliteeducation.group

About Minerva Project
Minerva Project is a leading educational innovator, providing top-tier higher education offerings to its flagship Minerva Schools at KGI, as well as other educational and corporate partners. Founded by Ben Nelson in 2012, Minerva's mission is to nurture critical wisdom for the sake of the world. Building upon the best traditions of liberal arts and sciences education, Minerva is committed to preparing global leaders and innovators for the complexities of the twenty-first century. Its groundbreaking creation of a new university program is detailed in the book Building the Intentional University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education (MIT Press). To learn more about the Minerva educational approach, visit www.minervaproject.com

Special Webinar - The Future of Education (February 26 Friday 9am , Japan Time)

Please sign up here

Accelerated by the global pandemic, predicted changes to education—from admissions to curriculum—have now become a reality. Join innovators and legends Ben Nelson (Founder and CEO of the Minerva Project) and Sandy Climan (Media Strategist, Film Producer, and Co-Founder of EEI Creative Arts) for this special webinar and learn what challenges today’s students need to overcome in order to excel in competitive college admissions and the professions of tomorrow. Find out why Minerva is already known as “the Harvard of the Future” and why experiential, hands-on learning at earlier stages is so vital for all students—from STEM scholars to creatives in film and new media to even the traditionally undecided—seeking admission to top colleges and universities, institutions which have already been forced to change their rules. Our students, our future leaders, must have the skills and ways of thinking of the future, not yesterday’s repetitions. Learn from these visionary educational leaders, and discover how students and families can rebuild their academic visions and plans accordingly—because education has already changed, and you can be the first to act.