『Celebrate Message(セレブレイトメッセージ)』 2019年9月3日サービス開始!
~憧れの有名人から動画お祝いメッセージが届く !?~

セレブレイトメッセージ株式会社(所在地:東京都港区赤坂、代表取締役:神名秀紀、以下 当社)は、パーソナル動画メッセージ提供サービス『セレブレイトメッセージ』を2019年9月3日から全世界向けにスタートを予定しております。つきましては、下記の通りお知らせ致します。
『セレブレイトメッセージ(Celebrate Message)』(※Celebrate=お祝い)とは、"誰でも・自由に・簡単に"、世界のセレブ、タレント、アーティスト、アスリート、俳優、モデル、文化人、インフルエンサーなど、多くのファンを有するキャスト*(動画メッセージ提供者)へ、パーソナルなメッセージをオファー出来るサービスです。
詳しくは http://cast.celebratemessage.com/ をご確認下さい。

- セレブレイト・メッセージ公式Twitterアカウント「@celebratemsg」をフォローしてください。
- 本キャンペーン指定のツイートをキャンペーン期間内にリツイート(RT)してください。

Receiving a personal celebration message from Celebrities!?
“Celebrate Message” will start its worldwide service on September 3rd, 2019!
Celebrate Message Inc., (CEO: Hidenori Kamina, Address: Akasaka, Minato ward, Tokyo) announces the personal video message service “Celebrate Message” will start worldwide on September 3rd, 2019 as follows.
“Celebrate Message” is a service that User can offer personal messages to CASTs (*video message providers) who are world widely known Talent, Celebrities, Artist, Athlete, Actor/Actress, Model, Intellectual, and/or Influencer, and has huge number of fans.
Celebrities are the one who deliver smile and joy through their activities and words. Even though there are a lot of needs to receive an encouraging message, celebration words, and/or friendly short video from celebrities, it was difficult to make it come true. “Celebrate Message” now makes it possible to receive a personal message from one’s longing celebrities.
By our project “Celebrate Message”, we aim to create an exciting value to and for the society.
In addition, for the security of celebrities and agents, we announce the elimination of anti-social forces. Also, we developed the mechanism to prevent the unauthorized use of video, and copyright protection.
From now on, we will update the information of the CASTs' name via press release, website and Twitter account. Please look forward to it.
Our Website: http://about.celebratemessage.com/en
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/celebratemsg
For those of you (Talent, Celebrities, Artist, Athlete, Actor/Actress, Model, Intellectual, and/or Influencer) agree to this project and would like to participate, please access to our official website as a CAST candidate.
In addition, to celebrate our launch of the service, we hold the pre-registration campaign. We look forward to having you join us.
Please check the details on the official web page: http://pre.celebratemessage.com
Thank you.