10万人に1人の難病を乗り越えた俳優・間瀬翔太さん、セレブレイトメッセージ新キャスト決定! 売上は全額日本赤十字社への寄付に!まずは100本動画メッセージ達成を目指す!
セレブレイトメッセージ株式会社(所在地:東京都港区赤坂、代表取締役:神名秀紀、以下 当社)が2019年9月3日から全世界向けでサービスをスタートさせた、有名人からのパーソナル動画メッセージ提供サービス『セレブレイトメッセージ』に、10万人に1人の難病「脳動静脈奇形」を患い闘病しつつも精力的に活動を続ける、俳優の間瀬翔太さんのキャスト参加が決定しましたので、下記のとおりお知らせします。
■セレブレイトメッセージ 新キャスト『間瀬翔太』さん

■間瀬翔太さん コメント
■間瀬翔太さん プロフィール
間瀬 翔太(ませ しょうた、1986年4月27日生まれ)は北海道出身の俳優、歌手、元アイドル。
また2018年には新曲「Butterfly Effect」がテレビドラマ「家政婦は見た!」のエンディングテーマに起用された。
◆公式twitter https://twitter.com/shota_mase
◆公式instagram https://www.instagram.com/shota_mase/
◆公式ブログ https://ameblo.jp/maseshota/
『セレブレイトメッセージ(Celebrate Message)』(※Celebrate=お祝い)とは、"誰でも・自由に・簡単に"、世界のセレブ、タレント、アーティスト、アスリート、俳優、モデル、文化人、インフルエンサーなど、多くのファンを有するキャスト*(動画メッセージ提供者)へ、パーソナルなメッセージをオファー出来るサービスです。

詳しくは http://cast.celebratemessage.com/ をご確認下さい。
A Dreaming Personal Message from Celebrity Service “Celebrate Message” announces the CAST participation of Shota Mase, a talent fighting against intractable diseases.
Celebrate Message Inc., (CEO: Hidenori Kamina, Address: Akasaka, Minato ward, Tokyo) announces a CAST participation of the actor Shota Mase, who continues to work energetically while suffering from intractable disease (cerebral arteriovenous malformation), to “Celebrate Message”.

■Comments from Shota Mase
Nice meeting you to those who know me, and first time to see!
This is Shota Mase. I would like to respond any offers from you, from birthday to your Memorial Day!
It could be my own word, or if you have any word you want me to say, that is alright too!
I hope my message will deliver you a smile, joy and happiness!
And in 2019, for the first time among all talents in Japan, I suffered from an intractable disease, "cerebral arteriovenous malformations". The ratio of being this disease is about 1/100,000.
I could overcome my illness and am resuming my activities. Although this disease is said to be intractable, it has not been designated as intractable by the country.
I don’t want to say it’s end of my fight against this disease, just because I’m cured. There are a lot of patients who suffer now; maybe there are possible patients who do not know what is wrong with their physical condition. I believe my activity can be one of the solutions for this disease and survivors to be known more publicly.
I will donate all my reward earned through Celebrate Message activity, to the Japan Red Cross Society. My first aim is to respond 100 video messages!
And I also do sign activities, so I'd be happy if you could participate.
Looking very much forward to having your offer to me! Thank you!
■Official Profile
Shota Mase (born in Hokkaido on 27 April 1986) is an actor, singer, and former idol. Scouted at Yoyogi Park when he was 17 years old and debuted as the main vocalist of the idol group “BLIZZARD”.
After the dissolution, he appeared as an actor in "Yakuza no Ryu 6", "Scream in a loveless forest", "Yobanashi", etc.
In 2018, the new song “Butterfly Effect” was appointed as the ending theme for the TV drama “Kaseifu (Housekeeper) ha mita”.
In 2019, Shota became the first Japanese talent suffered from intractable diseases, “cerebral arteriovenous malformations”. The operation made a huge success and his activity resumed energetically.
◆Official twitter https://twitter.com/shota_mase
◆Official instagram https://www.instagram.com/shota_mase/
◆Officialb blog https://ameblo.jp/maseshota/
■What is “Celebrate Message”?
Celebrate Message is a service that gives its users a chance to offer their personal message to celebrities, artists, athletes, actors, models, intellectuals, influencers and CASTs (*video message providers) who are known worldwide.
Through our service “Celebrate Message”, we aim to create an exciting value of good impression and deliver happiness and smile to every User by receiving CASTs video message.
This service is not only for Birthday/Wedding usage. There are many other occasions where you can celebrate! For example, seasonal messages such as Christmas, Valentine. A treat for yourself. And encouragement for the one who is hospitalized and needs someone else to give power! We hope that “Celebrate Message” will be one of the tools in the society, to spread the joy and smile.
In addition, for the security of celebrities and agents, we announce the elimination of anti-social forces. We also developed the mechanism to prevent the unauthorized use of video and copyright protection.
We just launched Celebrate Message on September 3rd, 2019. Please check it out! In September 2019, a patent application was filed for the “message providing system” (application number: Japanese Patent Application 2019-169901).
◆Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/celebratemsg
◆Our Website: https://en.celebratemessage.com/
New CAST participants to Celebrate Message will be announced continuously.
For those of you (Talent, Celebrities, Artist, Athlete, Actor/Actress, Model, Intellectual, and/or Influencer) agree to this project and would like to participate, please access to our official website as a CAST candidate.
Thank you.