Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』NFT販売決定! 音楽専門のNFTマーケットプレイス『The NFT Records』にて 10月25日(火)12:00、50点限定ドロップ!

The NFT Records

株式会社クレイオ(東京都港区赤坂 代表取締役 神名秀紀)は、音楽専門のNFTマーケットプレイス『The NFT Records』にて、2022年10月25日正午より、Nicori Light Toursが2022年11月16日(水)にリリースする1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』の新録音源7曲をNFT化販売することが決定しましたのでお知らせ致します。

Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』NFT販売決定!
Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』NFT販売決定!

▼サイトURL: (日本)
▼商品URL: (日本) 

この音源は、2022年3月から9月にかけて、"ニコリの日"である25日に7ヶ月連続配信リリースした7曲の音源以外に、新たに1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』に新録された音源7曲を、11月16日(水)の配信リリース前にお聴きいただける内容です。

今作もNFT限定バージョンとして、αyumuだけ、ko-heiだけのOnly Singing ver,もお聴きいただけますし、配信シングル時に大好評をいただいておりました you,kiyo Singing ver,という超レアな音源や、ギターアップ、キーボードアップver,の激レアInstrumental 音源も、アルバム曲でもお楽しみいただけるようにご用意いたしました。

【Nicori Light Toursコメント】


Nicori Light Toursの決意と覚悟を表した曲で、今回のアルバムのために書き下ろしました。混沌とした音の世界に突き刺すイメージの重厚で攻撃的なギター、そして荘重で不穏なシンセ。Voは睨みつけるようなαyumuと、太く伸びやかに歌い上げるko-heiのコントラストを感じてもらえたらと思います。


●Re Do
この曲はNicori Light Toursを始めるずっと前あった曲で、kiyoと2人で何とかしてみんなに聴いてもらいたいと、ずっと思っていた1曲です。
ある意味、この曲の存在がNicori Light Toursというものに繋がっていったと思っています。

vo.αyumuのNicori Light Tours初作詞の楽曲。

vo.ko-heiのNicori Light Tours初作詞の楽曲。今回アルバムに入るタイミングでブラッシュアップしました。
同時に、これからのNicori Light Toursとしての気持ちも感じてもらえたら嬉しいです。


●The Brand New World Destiny



Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』スペシャルNFTセット-50個限定版
Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』スペシャルNFTセット-50個限定版

商品名:Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』スペシャルNFTセット-50個限定版



Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』スペシャルNFTセット-50個限定版 詳細
Nicori Light Tours 1st Full Album『Ⅱ~パラレル~』スペシャルNFTセット-50個限定版 詳細

1 - 7 :Parallel
8 -14 :パラサイター
15-21:Re Do
43-49:The Brand New World Destiny

αyumu Only Singing ver,
ko-hei Only Singing ver,
you,kiyo Singing ver,
Instrumental ver,
Instrumental Guitar Up ver,
Instrumental Keyboard Up ver,


※本商品はThe NFT Records内におけるマーケットプレイス(二次販売)出品は出来ない商品です。予めご了承下さい。
※本商品は複数購入を不可としておりますが、早めのSOLD OUTが予想されるためなるべくお早めにお求めください。



 曲はアルバムに収録される新録される7曲の中からお好きな曲をリクエストしてください。(you,kiyo Singing ver,などの別ver,は選択不可)

・Re Do
・The Brand New World Destiny



Nicori Light Tours
Nicori Light Tours

1999年にメジャーデビューし、「月光花」など数々の楽曲をヒットさせてきたヴィジュアル系ロックバンドJanne Da Arcの元メンバーであるyou(Gt)・kiyo(Key)の2人が中心となり結成。

<The NFT Recordsについて>

The NFT Recordsでは、商品を仮想通貨ではなくクレジットカードなどの法定通貨で購入することができます。
なお、The NFT Recordsで購入した音楽、MV、ジャケット写真、アーティスト写真などはThe NFT Recordsの「マイコレクション」ページで楽しむことができます。


<The NFT Recordsが取り扱うNFTについて>
The NFT Recordsは音楽原盤および各種データを権利元から正式に許諾を受けて商品化し、NFT商品としてお客様にお届けします。NFT商品の原盤権や著作権はアーティストまたはレーベル各社が権利を保有しており、NFTは原盤権や著作権を販売・譲渡するものではありません。
また、販売されるNFT商品には一つ一つ固有のシリアルナンバーが入っております。その番号を持っているのは購入者のみとなり、購入者がその商品を「所有」することとなります。購入し受け取った商品は、アーティスト/版元から許諾が降りた商品のみ、The NFT Recordsのマーケットプレイスにて出品することも可能です。

The NFT Recordsは、環境に配慮した設計を心掛けています。
当社のマーケットプレイスでは、ブロックチェーンネットワークで一般的な、計算競争によるPoW (プルーフ・オブ・ワーク)というコンセンサスアルゴリズムを使っていないため、電力を大きく消費することがなく、環境に配慮した設計になっています。

【株式会社クレイオ 会社概要】
本 社:東京都港区赤坂3丁目7番地13号
代 表 者:代表取締役社長 神名秀紀
設 立:2019年4月22日
事 業 概 要:マーケットプレイスの企画・開発・制作・運営、動画配信サービスの開発・運営。

【The NFT Records】 音楽NFTの著作権処理及びデータフォーマットの課題解決に向け、 パブリックチェーンでの音楽NFT流通を実現するための構想と新規格を提言、実現へ

The NFT Recordsには、経験豊富なNFTの専門家及び、エンターテインメント界に精通する多彩なメンバーがそろっています。レーベル様単位でのNFT化、アーティスト様のNFT楽曲販売についてのサポートなどを行わせていただきます。

Nicori Light Tours to release their 1st NFT Full Album "II - Parallel”! Limited 50 sets drop on October 25th (Tue) 12:00 JST at the music specialized marketplace "The NFT Records"!

KLEIO Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO Hidenori Kamina, hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby announces the sales of Nicori Light Tours NFT (including seven new sound source) for their 1st Full Album "II - Parallel" to be released on November 16th (Wed) at the music specialized marketplace "The NFT Records".

Website URL:
Product URL:

This NFT includes pieces released on every 25th (Nicori Day) for seven consecutive months, as well as seven pieces newly recorded for the 1st Full Album "II - Parallel" before the official streaming release on November 16th (Wed).

Like the previous releases, it also includes super precious sound sources "Only Singing ver" sung by only ayamu or ko-hei, super precious sound source "you, kiyo Singing ver" which had favorable comments on previous arrivals, and rare instrumental sound sources (Guitar Up and Keyboard Up) for the album.
Don't miss it since it comes with a selectable purchaser benefit!

<Comments from Nicori Light Tours>
Album "II - Parallel" will be released as NFT!
It is going to be a voluminous content in more ways than one.

This song newly written for the album expresses our determination and preparedness. Heavy, aggressive guitar piercing the chaotic world of sound and the synthesizer echoes solemnly and disturbingly. Please feel the contrast of αyumu's glaring vocal and ko-hei's rich and relaxing vocal.

A personality with slight danger is expressed by making the sound's world with bright and souring tone on a gloomy lyric. Edgy opening and sounds like machine breaking down heard at several points are the key. Guitar at a certain point is full of hidden tastes; Making the sound like that of a sound effect, and ringing short chopped sounds for right and left alternation. Don't miss the high-toned vocal of αyumu at the very end as well!

●Re Do
This song was written long before we started Nicori Light Tours, and kiyo and I have always wanted everyone to listen to.
In a sense, we believe this song led to form Nicori Light Tours.
It has a melody that makes you feel sad while being in a sense of speed, and the lyrics are based on the image of a strong-willed woman.

Our first song with vocal αyumu's lyrics.
It is a song about emotion of a woman who wavers between love and dreams.
Not just a song of love blaming someone else for things that aren't going well, or turning your back on painful things, but also of people's weaknesses.
Please enjoy the song and wound expressing the swell of emotion starting from the gentle piano phrase.

Our first song with vocal ko-hei's lyrics, brushed up to include in this album.
It expresses the conflicts and anguish after moving to Tokyo.
The city name "Tokyo" is used in the title and lyrics since the name itself contains dreams, aspirations, challenges and others. This is a song we would like people who are going for something, to listen to.

●The end of the Japanese syllabary.
This is a song making full use of ko-hei's bouncy rap, αyumu's high-tone at chorus melody, and the advantage of duet.
The chase of keyboard and guitar in the interlude is full of playfulness, that surely makes you imagine how happy you and kiyo are playing, while having a little bit of tension. We think this is a good piece for live performances.

●The Brand New World Destiny
We started writing this to liven up during live performances, but the arrangement ended up quite elaborate.
Keyboard plays with all kinds of sounds used in this album and is full of gimmicks.

As for the guitar, the whole piece is played by slapping and tapping. Please feel the impulse and richness of the sound.

Don't forget to check the unconventional lyrics as well!

Please look forward to the NFT release!

1 – 7: Parallel
8 -14: Parasitter
15-21: Re Do
22-28: Twilight
29-35: Tokyo
36-42: The end of the Japanese syllabary.
43-49: The Brand New World Destiny

*Below included for each song:
11/16 Release Edition (Pre-stream)
αyumu Only Singing ver,
ko-hei Only Singing ver,
you, kiyo Singing ver,
Instrumental ver,
Instrumental Guitar Up ver,
Instrumental Keyboard Up ver,

50:"II - Parallel" All members song-commentary movie

Purchasers can choose one from below purchaser benefit.

(1) Online 1 on 1 chat with your favorite member
Date: January 29th (Sun)
Fan Club Members: by 1 on 1 in the Fan Club
Non-Fan Club Members: by Instagram Live

(2) One chorus of Nicori's song sung just for you
You can request your favorite song from the newly recorded seven songs in the Album. (No special versions such as you, kiyo Singing ver, can be chosen)
To be delivered in January 2023.
Candidate Songs:
Re Do
The end of the Japanese syllabary.
The Brand New World Destiny

*Please note that this item is not available for resale on The NFT Records Marketplace.
*Multiple purchase is not available for this item, but please purchase as soon as possible because early SOLD OUT is expected.

Nicori Light Tours
Announced their debut on August 13th, 2021.
Formed by you (Gt) and kiyo (Key), former members of visual rock band "Janne Da Arc", debut in 1999 and made numerous hits including "Gekkouka", as main members.
A rock band that has established a new style by completing lyrics ahead of tunes for all pieces, together with new two male vocalists having completely different characters: ayumu (Vo), with reputation for high toned voice, and ko-hei (Vo) with beautiful features and sweet voice charming every listener.
Released seven music streamings on every 25th (Nicori Day) from March to September 2022, and will release their 1st Full Album "II - Parallel” on November 16th (Wed)..

<About The NFT Records>
A NFT Marketplace specializing in music.

The NFT Records allows you to purchase products in legal tender, such as credit cards, instead of cryptocurrencies.
Music, music videos, jacket photos, artist photos, etc. purchased from The NFT Records can be enjoyed on the "My Collection" page of The NFT Records.

<About NFT>
NFT is a mechanism that proves that users surely possess the product, even if it is digital.
Buying an NFT leads to sharing joy with your favorite artists. The market is expanding rapidly as one of the ways to enjoy NFT.

<About NFTs handled by The NFT Records>
The NFT Records commercializes music master and other data with the official approval from the copyright source and delivers them to the customer as NFTs. The master disc rights and copyrights of NFT products are owned by the artists or label companies, and NFT does not sell or transfer themselves.
Each NFT product sold has a unique serial number. Only the purchaser is able to possess that number, or to "own" the item. Resale of purchased and received items are able to be sold on The NFT Records Marketplace for items with permission of artists/right holders.

<Consideration for the Environment>
The NFT Records is designed with environmental friendliness in mind.
Our marketplace does not use the computationally competitive PoW (Proof of Work) consensus algorithm common in blockchain networks, to minimize power consumption and is designed to be environmentally friendly.

KLEIO Inc. Company Information
Company Address: 3-7-13 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Hidenori Kamina
Establishment: April 22nd, 2019
Business Contents: Planning, developing and operating marketplaces; Developing and operating video streaming services.

The NFT Records has experienced NFT experts and a diverse group of members in the entertainment field. We will support development of NFT for labels and NFT music sales for artists.
