TSUNEISHI KAMTECS conducted BCM simulation

TSUNEISHI KAMTECS CORPORATION (Head Office: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture) conducted a simulation training for the purpose of strengthening its BCM (business continuity management). The training was conducted on December 7, 2015 with the support of Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Services Co., Ltd.


This training was held under the assumption that an earthquake of lower 6 magnitude (JMA) has struck, and simulated in chronological order the judgments to be made and actions to be taken during the initial response phase. Twelve executives who are members of the emergency task force, including President Koichi Shinohara, participated in this training, in which they discussed and confirmed business decisions and on-site directives that need to be handled during crisis situations, as well as the appropriate responses to be taken in working together with the surrounding communities.

TSUNEISHI KAMTECS is strengthening its crisis management system by conducting training programs in order to realize safe and stable business operations, even in the event of crisis situations arising from natural disasters and other accidents.

TSUNEISHI KAMTECS CORPORATION is a company operating in the environment and energy business. The company is a member of the Tsuneishi Group, which has a history of more than 100 years with a business centered on shipbuilding and marine shipping. TSUNEISHI KAMTECS started with the treatment of waste oils emitted from ships, and has grown today into a business that promotes efficient recycling of energy and resources by detoxifying general and industrial waste. The company is also actively expanding business into other areas in Asia that is showing rapid economic development, and striving to resolve the world’s problems in waste disposal.

URL: http://www.kamtecs.co.jp/en/

■ Business Outline: Industrial waste treatment, recycling, etc.
■ Founded: May 1967
■ No. of employees: Approx. 100 (as of December 2014)
■ Address: 1083 Tsuneishi, Numakuma-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
■ Factory: Approx. 180,000 square meters at the Fukuyama Factory, and approx. 10,000 square meters at the Tsuneishi Factory
■ Affiliated Companies: TSUNEISHI KAMTECS SAITAMA Co., Ltd., EARTH CREATE OFFICE Co., Ltd., etc.

For inquiries:
[ Tokyo Office ]
Kioicho Bldg. 3-12 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082 JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-6265-6380

Training scene
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